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2020 NAMM Show
Author: adminReads: 1347Time: 2020-01-17

NAMM Show is one of the world's largest music product exhibitions. It is held every year in Anaheim, California, the United States. Oriental instruments have participated in the NAMM exhibition in the United States for many years. The 4-day NAMM show.

Oriental instrument international spokesman Tom and other internationally renowned masters met at the booth. There were melodious piano sounds floating in the exhibition hall. There were also jazz harmonica performances in cooperation with keyboardists and drummers, which attracted waves of harmonica enthusiasts. Oriental instruments are also the only ones. A harmonica factory with a master's help was also a highlight at the exhibition. For a time, the crowd in front of the booth was constantly flowing ...

In recent years, Dongfang Musical Instrument has been committed to the improvement of product quality and grade. During the year of cooperation with Dongfang Ding harmonica spokesperson, he put forward higher requirements for Dongfang Ding harmonica to improve product quality. The quality of harmonica and chromatic harmonica has been greatly improved, and has been widely recognized by harmonica enthusiasts and harmonica players in Europe and the United States, and has also had a profound impact in Europe and the United States!

Tom will continue to work with Dongfang Musical Instruments to improve product quality, grade and international reputation, and will also increase its promotion in the international market to accelerate the international development of Easttop.