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SPAH Harmonica Festival
Author: adminReads: 1359Time: 2020-02-26

The full name of the American SPAH Harmonica Festival is the Society for the Preservation and Advancement of the Harmonica. It is an international harmonica organization established in Michigan, the United States in 1963. It has more than 3,000 members around the world and is the authoritative organization of the harmonica industry in the United States. The United States SPAH Harmonica Festival is committed to protecting and developing traditional and modern harmonica music culture. It publishes Harmonica Happenings for its members every year to publish harmonica news around the world and encourage the establishment and development of local harmonica clubs. The United States SPAH Harmonica Festival is held once a year in August. Over the past four days, nearly 500 harmonica enthusiasts participated, and exchanged discussions, lectures, concerts, public welfare activities, dinners, rookie training and awarded youth scholarships at the festival. Friends spend time together, it is a quite relaxed and happy harmonica festival.

Activity time: August 12th to August 15th, 2020 (After the 13th Asia-Pacific Harmonica Festival, you can go to the United States, there is no conflict in time)

Registration time: March 6th to July 31st, 2020, there is a discount for registration before June 30th!

Address: Sheraton Westport Lakeside Chalet 91 Westport Plaza St. Louis, MO  United States  63146